Air Hosting

Web Redesign | Website Expansion

Founded in 2019 by David Patterson and Stacey Armstrong, Air Hosting is a full-service vacation rental marketing and management company in Hayden, ID. They exist to help Pacific Northwest vacation home property owners market and manage their properties.

Lake Resort

Project Overview

Air Hosting wanted to redesign its website to appeal to a more modern audience and offer a more user-friendly experience that enticed new business while maintaining its current clientele. The website build came in conjunction with a new business name and brand. The update offered Air Hosting a unique approach to managing their properties and leads. The site now offers a much better search engine visibility platform for users and a cleaner look. Air Hosting continues to rely on Enleaf for its digital marketing strategy and regular site maintenance.

Key Features

Thank you for what you do! We appreciate you and your team.

Stacey Armstrong